英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:14:20
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. Try them on thick cut rye toast, with a parsley and caper salad or with lemon and mayonnaise.

2. China's venture capital market is booming as overseas players try to cash in on the nation's rapid growth.

3. There were hints that he might try to capitalise on his lead in the polls by calling a snap election.

4. Opposition will send teams out to frustrate us and try and capitalize on areas where they feel they can take advantage.

5. That means that every year over a million people are making their way to Beijing to try to cash in on China's economic boom.

6. Courtney worked overtime and tapped into his retirement account to try to catch up with two loans on his home.

7. Try substituting a toy or chew bone when the puppy tries to chew on fingers or toes.

8. We really get annoyed when foreigners try to chomp on chicken feet.

9. NHK said it is not clear whether he will agree to step down next month or try to hold on longer.

10. Get yourself on booksellers'mailing lists and try and get close to a couple of knowledgeable booksellers.

try on


1. The editor tries to correct any invalid HTML code that was pasted, but for best results try using the HTML tab or one of the paste buttons that are on the second row.

2. We will try to find ESS as a solution of MOPs using our game model based co-evolutionary algorithm, which based on coarse-grain parallel model.

3. And the situation of poor people can not be too much, the Egyptians loved to try on the road home can taste, try a way to save the geese eat the oil with some of the East on the road, then found a number of goose use of more not only raised to eat slaughtered just so simple.

4. I want to try it on.

5. try on的翻译

5. Have u ever try to laid on the blackforest in the night, listen to the wind, and the tree speaking, beautiful dark sky, and the soft light from the village. softly and beauitiful.


6. You can try with other compilers and older versions, but you are on your own.

7. Questioned about Quayle's wealth and the affect it might have on acceptance of the GOP ticket, millionaire Clements and millionaire Bush indicated the GOP will reply in kind if the Democrats try to make an issue of wealth.

8. Try doing this, otherwise try hanging your camera at hip level with your hand on it holding it in place.


9. You try to use my tricks on me?

10. Patrick Wolff, twice US chess champion, will again be in the mall playing blindfolded against all comers. He tells me that he has never tried to play more than four games simultaneously while handicapped this way but might try to bump that limit to five or six this year. If you're a chess fan, take Patrick on -- but be sure to check his blindfold before your first move.
Patrick Wolff-美国棋两度冠军,也会再度在会场蒙眼与所有挑战者对奕,他向我透露,他从来没有这样与四位以上的对手下棋,不过他今年会试着挑战同时对付五位甚至是六位对手,如果你也是个棋迷,记得到现场找 Patrick 挑战,但在下棋前记得要确定他的眼睛是否真的蒙住了。

11. I'll try to catch y'all up on it in a future one of these.

12. However, the proposed LZ not lift the Power On Self Test, windows in the face of the illegal shutdown, when you next boot time, windows will automatically detect the hard disk partition error, and try to fix the errors.

13. We're ready to move on the NBA Finals and try to take care of business.

14. try on在线翻译

14. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have agood imagination and association to let you have agood appetite.

15. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have a good imagination and association to let you have a good appetite.

16. try on在线翻译

16. Team GEN, I know you do not want to make KH: BBS CFW running on a patch, but you will try to make us the opportunity to be able to run God eat Christians do?
team GEN,我知道您不想要制作 KH:BBS CFW 上运行的一个修补程序,但你会尝试使我们有机会能够运行神食徒呢?

17. The store will leave a cookie on the machine, and someone could later try to purchase something from the store using your account.

18. try on

18. Also, try your local libraries for recipes or contact allergy specialists for more information on sensitivities or recipes.

19. try on在线翻译

19. For bigger muscle development, try pushing balls back and forth, playing hide and seek, and chasing each other around the floor on your knees.

20. She insists on my self-reliance and independence, so she's given me enough space and freedom to face difficulties squarely and try to overcome them on my own during my growth period. though, she's undereducated when she's young and was a common workwoman, in my opinion, she's the greatest mentor.

I dress carefully. I try on a hat and look at myself in the mirror.(我认真打扮着,试了顶帽子,看着镜子中的我。)
These shoes are nice. Try on these shoes.(这鞋真漂亮,试试看吧。)
You try on the trousers you arrived in and find they gape at the waist.(您想穿上一周前来时穿着的裤子,却发现裤腰还能张开嘴对着你发呆。)
Are you tired of waiting for hours just to try on a skirt or have a meal?(对成小时的排队只为试条裙子或吃顿饭感到厌倦了吗?)
Listing 2 shows another query to try on linkedmdb.org's SNORQL form.(清单2所示的是另一个可在linkedmdb.org的SNORQL表单上尝试使用的查询。)
Please try on the new coat.(请试穿这件新上衣。)
The clothes designer chose several models to try on his newly designed clothes.(服装设计师选了几个模特来试穿他新设计的服装。)
Let the child try on as many as she likes.(让这个孩子爱试穿多少就试多少吧。)
One of the first things to try on a new system is building some applications.(在新系统上首先尝试的东西之一是编译应用程序。)
Try on clothing and shoes to make sure they fit.(衣服和鞋要试穿以确保它们合适。)
try on是什么意思 try on在线翻译 try on什么意思 try on的意思 try on的翻译 try on的解释 try on的发音 try on的同义词